
shop shopping or watch tv that

having an uncertain priority

considering one

lacks specificity
just nothing

really just
just meaning

just meaning
nothing one

just one just
another evasion one

might suppose to be an insult
framed in terms of

you as an
other as stupid

that being somebody
the usual else

whoever you is not being
the smart guy

the guy with the secret

that guy's
strings jerked cannot

think as reflected
in as if a parrot but

he claiming to be human they who
not to imply he being

he being
a bird

all talking in slogans
divisive cannot

cannot reorder the words cannot
cannot even think

only repeating and
repeating that that what

was heard tv tv speaking
tv speaking not

as thinking but
merely reflexive that nervous jerk

jerk of the knee funny
a funny locale

for a complex bundle
of nerves it knee leading

funny knee leading
funny brain placement

need definition lack that
that lacking

tossing out downtrodden need known it
not that

unwell it's its

some substance
then spreading


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