
to detect any enemies
here heretic there

fundament here
heave to one dread redeemer and bark

it was only a ghost
of his own bloody making

burnt magus forum hermetic still
whisky rich shadows

cat cats and bland Caesars
sun spiking the bronze head

brazen head of one brute
uncover the mystery of

that faceless rider
one on one teevee kinda shoppa

scratchy skull hardens in freezer
dulcet bone sung to common tune

called biting the bullet called
flouting the first Pharisee

and so stylishly dying in this
story about a murdered

murderer one
should be so lucky to

harbor an infatuation with that
witch in a holy no tone reversal

civilization having an origin
in some alpha male gone violent he

becoming then a locus of control how
a cycle of decay and

a distribution of power
to puncture a yard so littered

at every step spotting glass shattered
shovel crunch and prying loose brick

no blade slipping in
rather it cracks into a proliferation

items tossed onto the ground
a sequential violence

as a cumulative surface
thin layer of leaf matter fallen organic decomp

collect then and cover
items imprinted

not meaning to leave
the ground subsequent used

to wait for the explosion the
big crash the sudden

chaos that
would destroy

the neighborhood

things unravel gradually
disintegrating bit

bit by bitten bit an
accumulation of voices

speaking both out
of the past and out

of the future

Saturday Saturday
two thousand twenty six nine

and the remnants
in this yard of a cinder

block foundation
sixteen ounce

light bulbs malt
liquor brick

quarts and mound kitty
it's litter


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