
Jimmy on death
having lived there

and continuing to do so
so that writing always seems an impossibly unfinished task

having run into the impossibility of
a word

asking about that
a man then publicly boils

as asking
if is it

is this a city
cause cannot say cock on tv

some death
be bidden

the blues even be

snaps first surface of some scenic thing

airy that is that
as electric

no one can hold it
not that

it is prohibitive and snaps hot in the sky
white hot purple the place or the topic of place

is it descriptive
it is descriptive

is it heavy
it isn’t heavy

the entire system of human pursuit
what problem with words taken from elsewhere

a false discontinuity
somethings get hidden in English

isn’t it here it
isn’t here

that lack as that this it
is that it is this

which isn’t here

that cannot be said

having run into the impossibility
of a word

snap first surface of something
now seen as if

this agitation of air
were something uttered


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